Nancy is a mom who struggled for years to get pregnant. Heartbreak after heartbreak without becoming pregnant and miscarriages had her discouraged. Finally, she and her husband conceived a baby boy! I wish that was the happy ending to her story, but that is only the beginning.
Nancy's labor was long and hard. The doctors told her that her baby boy was "stuck" and they would have to intervene to get him out. No problem, we’ll just give this tiny baby's head a pull and a twist to help get over the nose and keep the labor moving. Some twisting, some pulling, and multiple hours of labor later, he was welcomed into this world.
The doctors didn’t know it at the time but her baby's neck took quite the hit from all the twisting and pulling. (Keep reading to see why this matters.) Nancy was so frustrated as a mother because her baby would not stop fussing and was colicky. Fast forward a few months and her little boy was beginning to move through his developmental milestones, except for one problem, he was going in the wrong progression.
Hating tummy time turned into skipping crawling. Skipping crawling meant walking before he learned coordination. Without the proper connection from his brain to body, he was constantly falling because he didn’t have that cross crawl coordination.
Terrible twos became tantrum threes and her son could not emotionally regulate. His little body and brain were so stressed that any inconvenience would throw him into full blown meltdowns. Nancy was doing all the healthy things that she knew to do but nothing was helping her poor little boy.
As Nancy's son grew up, sports were this boy’s life in high school. Tack on a couple concussions along the way and endless hours of training became taxing. Her son would come home from school some days and sleep from 4pm until 8pm, wake up to eat dinner and then back to sleep the rest of the night. He was always so exhausted.
Social anxiety, focus issues, constant anger issues, and exhaustion plagued this boy’s teen years. Luckily, God had a plan for change. Nancy was kicked by a horse when her son was 13. She went to the chiropractor and brought her son along with her. After getting his first adjustment at 13, he knew he was meant for more.
With each adjustment came breakthroughs he never thought were possible. His focus issues and exhaustion were the first things to go. Gone were the nights struggling with homework for hours and the afternoons spent sleeping because of exhaustion. The social anxiety began to calm and he was voted homecoming king. Nancy's son was excelling in life: runner-up at state wrestling, state champion in hurdles, honor society, college scholarship to college for track and field. He was a chiropractic miracle.
Would it surprise you to know that after experiencing all these miracles, Nancy's son wanted to become a chiropractor? 12 years after his first chiropractic adjustment, Nancy's son graduated chiropractic college and officially became the Dr. Lucas that we all know and love. Dr. Lucas has such a passion to serve kids going through the same struggle he went through. Hopefully as early in life as possible.
The power of chiropractic is undeniable in Dr. Lucas's life, and could make an incredible impact in your child's life too. Catch the full story + the science on our free webinar https://radiantwaveschiro.myflodesk.com/pswebinar